
This is a quick tutorial on how to patch the Pagerduty plugin to be compatible with Sensu go (5.0.x).

The steps will guide you through installing the available Pagerduty plugin and applying this patch to make it compatible with Sensu Go.

For details about the requirements of Pagerduty, setting up a service and other info about the plugin, please refer to https://www.pagerduty.com/docs/guides/agent-install-guide/


  1. You already have a Pagerduty account. Signup for one if you do not.
  2. You have a working Sensu-Go installation
  3. You know how to create sensu handlers


The following steps were written and tested on Centos 7. However, it can be easily adapted to other OS.

Log on to your Sensu Server, and execute the following.

  1. Install Pagerduty Repo
sh -c 'cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/pdagent.repo <<EOF
  1. Install the PD agent package
yum install --enablerepo=pdagent pdagent pdagent-integrations
  1. Download this patch to your Sensu server host
cd /usr/share/pdagent-integrations/
git clone https://github.com/bukiadeniji/sensu-go-pagerduty-plugin-patch

NOTE: You may also visit the github page to download the patch.

  1. Apply the pd-sensu.patch file
cd /usr/share/pdagent-integrations/
cp sensu-go-pagerduty-plugin-patch/pd-sensu.patch bin/
cd /usr/share/pdagent-integrations/bin
patch -b < pd-sensu.patch
  1. Verify your configuration
pd-send -k <your_integration_key> -t trigger -d "Test test" -i server.test
  1. Create Sensu Pagerduty handler and complete your setup
sensuctl handler create pagerduty --type pipe --command "/usr/share/pdagent-integrations/bin/pd-sensu -k <your_integration_key>" --timeout 20